
  • Dessa [she/her]
    9 months ago

    Stumbled on this just a minute ago.

    Here are a pair of FF7 songs in an SNES soundfont compared to PS original:

    Dear to the heart:
    Original PSX: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ixw3nFcQkzI

    The high-pitched vibes that kick in are the most glaring issue with the FF7 version. They're piercing and out of balance.

    Tifa's Theme:
    Original PSX:

    This one actually might sound better on PSX at first, but then the melody kicks in and the flute sounds cheap and robotic in the original.

    The original compositions were classic Uematsu approaching his absolute peak, but the PSX soundfont overall feels clipped and has cloying overtones.

    I wish I could say I like the Remake versions better, but IMO Hamauzu does too much. Here's that version if you care to hear it: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=seewVC9uwr4&pp=ygULdGlmYXMgdGhlbWU%3D

    Granted, that game has a different vibe, so maybe it fits there, but the mood in this cover feels hopeful and revelatory, whereas the Uematsu arrangement is lonely and bittersweet. Hamauzu uas always been better with atmospheric soundtracks as opposed to thematic ones.