1. Unlimited government surveillance

  2. Unlimited power to ban leftist non-profits

  3. Banning leftist social media

  4. Sicing cops on students all over the country

  5. Giving $95 billion to fascist regimes all over the world

lmao this shit is nuts and an escalation of fascism we haven't seen since the early days after 9/11. After months of fear-mongering about the supposed takeover of all facets of government by MAGA fascists if Trump wins, the fuckin dems went and passed everything they warned us would pass if we didn't bend the knee and back Genocide Joe, I think most leftists (including me) are still too shell shocked at this early stage to realize the full implications of what we've just been hit with, seriously wtf

  • CyborgMarx [any, any]
    8 months ago

    Shut the fuck up you banderite loving genocide apologist, imagine witnessing one of the largest expansions of fascist power in US history and going "uuuuHHH tHeSe tHiNgS aLReAdy eXisTed" yeah you dumb fuck it's called ESCALATION, it's called intensification, it's called expansionism, it's called the whittling away of what little rights we have and it's being done by the so-called "defenders of democracy" to protect a genocidal state

    kent state happened ages ago. Which if you're scared about social media, go support your local darknet, they love new people!

    This is the kind of asinine bullshit you write when you know you have no argument, let alone any principles