I became a teacher last year and the amount of incredible, complex, highly coordinated dancing they pretty much all do is incredible. I saw a 5 year old do a whacky fortnite squat dance into a back handspring. What?!

At least I could teach them the Macarena so I had something to offer because goddamn.

  • AcidLeaves [he/him, he/him]
    5 months ago

    Listen, everybody knows when minorities do anything, it's because they're poor and uncultured. It's a billion times more impressive and praise worthy when white kids do it

    Like speaking 2+ languages

    • kristina [she/her]
      5 months ago

      i technically speak four languages but its all white people shit. i just beg my friends for translation help whenever i have issues

      50 shades of mayo

        • kristina [she/her]
          5 months ago

          czech german english polish (cheating, so easy to learn if you know czech) and technically i can read and listen to russian lol. i know enough slavic pidgin stuff to speak to any slavic language speaker at a basic level, along with a handful of more complex concepts. i have friends that translate chinese shit for me

            • kristina [she/her]
              5 months ago

              i did live on the czech border for a while so really its all cheating, very common in that area to have that grouping of languages, though grasping russian well is more difficult