so many nerds arguing whether or not this is adventurism and whether adventurism helps when we could simply be going "incredibly based" and leave it at that
I won't; give a fuck how much damage to their local PD was done, they hearts and minds ain't in the right place and I doubt their bonafides off the rip for it.
so many nerds arguing whether or not this is adventurism and whether adventurism helps when we could simply be going "incredibly based" and leave it at that
Direct action is good. Using it as a platform for sectarian anti-communism is horrible.
i will forgive one (1) Fuck the commies from people who allegedly torched 15 cop cars
We can recognize practice and condemn sectarianism.
I won't; give a fuck how much damage to their local PD was done, they hearts and minds ain't in the right place and I doubt their bonafides off the rip for it.