It's tiring to tell libs that its actually CPC instead of CCP.

  • CCP = Chinese China Party (???)
  • CPC = Chinese Party of China (correct)

I'm literally going to drop kick someone who gets it wrong!!!

Thoughts? Is it worthwhile to correct people on this?

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
    2 months ago

    We shouldn't correct them. The distinction makes a good identifier.

    CCP- Supporter of insane "New Cold War" foreign policy in the midst of the current poly crisis that plagues 21st century human civilization.

    CPC- Supporter of sitting down with the Chinese and trying to hash out policies that stabilizes a world beset by said crisis.

    • hello_hello [they/them, comrade/them]
      2 months ago

      True. It's a great litmus test but it's still extremely painful to hear from people who are well meaning but stubborn since media outlets in the west only say CCP.

      It's one of those red scare hurdles that is everywhere, especially in the US of A.

      • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
        2 months ago

        I understand. It irks me too as it reminds me of the disastrous pivoting to Asia that I feel is part of the current trend towards a more unstable world.

        On another level, it annoys the hell out of me just as a matter of trying to be polite to someone by referring to them by how they call themselves.

    • booty [he/him]
      2 months ago

      Nah, correcting them is a good talking point and it doesn't erode their identifiability because they won't accept the correction. CNN, Washington Post, NYT, NPR, etc all say CCP so as far as they're concerned God himself bestowed the name CCP on them and nothing could possibly change their minds. But it can still catch unsuspecting default-libs who look into it and go "hang on, why does every single Western source literally just use an incorrect name for a foreign political party?"

      • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
        2 months ago

        I'd say if they were never going to use the correct acronym in the first place, then I just wouldn't say anything to them unless they get confused and ask why I use CPC.

        Frankly I think CCP for some of them is a way for them to make believe they are fighting the Soviets again.