• ProfessorOwl_PhD [any]
    4 months ago

    u c, i am very smart, so i wud leave the childs alone to die in the street after taking over their cities

    Yes, I'm sure you're so kind for avoiding the appearance of impropriety

    that means dehumanization [...] ukrainian civilians is fine?

    No, it simply means you have nowhere to go with your "russia is being dehumanising" rhetoric - you're trying to use the idea to build the case that there's a unique injustice being committed against Ukranians, but they're not even getting dehumanised as much as they're dehumanising russians by referring to them as a fantasy species of mutated elves bred for war.

    There has been no evidence for that, only the 2014-2022 war in Donbass

    Like really, are you 12? I could understand this if you were distracted for the last decade, but you'd have to be pretty young still to not know about it.

    Factual data is evidential, not faith and intuition.

    Intuition is the ability to gather or understand factual data while skipping the conscious level of reasoning - it's why we try to create intuitive designs that people can engage with without specialist training. You are the one placing blind faith in people's reports about how their enemies are actually the worst people ever, while I don't need to start thinking to understand that's a fucking stupid idea. Evidently you do though, so you should start thinking about reasons people might not be completely truthful while talking about their enemies, instead of claiming you're using factual data.

    Nazi is when war

    come the fuck on
    like really, just grow the fuck up. The russians are at war. War shit is happening. The Ukranians can't stop wearing actual icons and symbology of the literal 1939-45 NSDAP.

    pee.pee. In english it's called a postscript. They're used to include additional information that you forgot to the first time around - your insistance on them is the equivalent of double posting all your replies then saying you like the style when people piont out what the edit button is for.