• SorosFootSoldier [he/him, they/them]
    1 month ago

    My dad's side of the family is Irish so I will hold out the olive branch to my I-talian comrades that we can broker peace between the two cracker tribes. Let us break bread sticks.

    • emizeko [they/them]
      1 month ago

      Let’s say that, hypothetically, you really did have unlimited breadsticks. Now, since they are unlimited, that means that you will never run out. However, on Earth there is a limited supply of the materials required to make breadsticks. Thus, if I were to attempt to eat as many breadsticks as possible, I would not be able to as eventually you would sell out, am I correct? Now that we have established that there are infinite breadsticks but finite supplies to make them, would it not be reasonable to conclude that you are either breaking the laws of physics, or are lying to me? And since one cannot break the laws of physics, logically you must be lying to me. Facts don’t care about your feelings liberals, you have committed the crime of false advertising and must give me free food or I will inform the authorities.