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  • CarbonScored [any]
    1 month ago

    Event as a then leftist, I used to be skeptical of this rhetoric until I saw every single establishment come out the woodwork to smear Jeremy Cromblin for being the minorest of threats to bourgeois power.

    Major newspapers with front page news 100% seriously accusing him of being a soviet sleeper agent, the head of the armed forces (who is legally obliged to be impartial) went on the BBC news to specifically criticise Corbyn and talk about how he'll let everyone die to nukes, the notorious BBC moment of portraying him outside the Kremlin in a Ushanka like he's V fucking Lenin himself, not a single major media outlet accurately reported on how the antisemitism report entirely cleared Corbyn, or how the chief UK rabbi fueling the smears is literally a childhood friend of bojo .

    I dunno, I could go on forever with examples - But that year I truly lost all hope in electoralism, and truly appreciated the bourgeois hold on fucking everything. I saw the machine come out in full force and it was scary. bear-despair

    • emizeko [they/them]
      1 month ago

      similar experience here with Bernie, if a youtuber has made a ten part, sixty-two hour series on all the ratfucking and the establishment shredding its own institutions to stop him at all costs I'd watch it

    • ta00000 [none/use name]
      1 month ago

      It's pretty impressive how much they got away with.

      • CarbonScored [any]
        1 month ago

        Interesting! I may give these a watch / listen. Not that I'm not already largely aware of the shit, but good to know more details.