• LaughingLion [any, any]
    1 month ago

    i knew someone who did english teaching in japan and he is black and the japanese constantly tried to grab his dick

    children he taught, people on the train, coworkers

    boys and girls, men and women

    the japanese were absolutely mesmerized by the myth of the bbc he said he basically learned martial arts as a matter of swatting people away daily just picked it up purely through practical application no instruction needed

    also said he could look at someone and know they were going to try and grab his crotch like a spidey sense

    literally a daily occurrence over his approximately 2 years there

    • Tankiedesantski [he/him]
      1 month ago

      the japanese were absolutely mesmerized by the myth of the bbc

      I wonder how widespread this myth was in Japan before 1945 when a bunch of white dudes showed up as occupiers.

      Well, maybe it's just Japan being Japan. Who knows?

      he basically learned martial arts as a matter of swatting people away daily just picked it up purely through practical application no instruction needed

      You sure he's not pulling your leg? This is the exact kind of detail I'd make up to mess with someone.

      • LaughingLion [any, any]
        1 month ago

        i literally dont know but we can say pretty confidently that most of it is driven by porn and that porn trope is definitely western but also japanese people have their own cultural issues with foreigners especially black foreigners so i guess what im saying is "is this intersectionality?"