Wellbutrin fucked my shit up

Strattera fucked my shit up

Qelbree fucked my shit up

Guanfacine will fuck my shit up

I guess I'll be unmedicated for months until I can see a psychiatrist LMFAO

I know why he is doing this, and for that Death to America

Just a rant, nbd

  • LanyrdSkynrd [he/him]
    1 month ago

    I think it's more about a fear of the DEA. They've started going after doctors for over prescribing stimulants.

    The DEA is really just going after the doctors running pill mills and the ones rubber stamping scripts for those online prescribers that guarantee a script(or your money back). That doesn't stop your local doctor, who's livelihood rests on writing scripts, from thinking they need to create a paper trail that shows they're using stimulants as a last resort.

    I blame this on the tech bros who created shit like cerebral that is just a pill mill with VC funding.