
As a bisexual dude I don't understand why other guys, especially straight guys, are into lesbian shit?

I'm attracted to both genders on like a 60/40 ratio of female to males? Maybe it's just me but I feel like I have an utter inability to find any of the erotic interest in lesbian fiction, porn, sex... And I'm by no means a prude either.

I can't fathom why other guys would like it - not that I'm judging. Is it because there's two females pictured and you like both of them?

Maybe someone could explain.

it's because femicommunism is indoctrinating an entire generation of men into thinking that there's something "nice" about witnessing so-called "female sexual pleasure", which I've never seen any evidence for. before then any sensible person would recoil in disgust at their rituals. can you honestly not throw up as you imagine a female drinking vagina juice? fucking gross.

I cannot tell if this is a joke but wow