I have experienced trauma my entire life. I just got out of a very emotionally abusive relationship. I developed severe PTSD symptoms in the last few years.

I've always felt that maybe I don't think like most other people I encounter. I've always had a hard time connecting to people and seemed to attract some really bad people into my life.

I am very self aware, probably too much so. I am usually well liked and have never really had issues with social norms or anything. I do have some other habits that make me wonder. I've wondered if I'm schizophrenic before but I only meet a few of the criteria. My abusive ex tried to convince me I had borderline personality disorder, which I do have some symptoms of. However, these symptoms have lessoned since I left the relationship.

I think I might have high functioning autism, but I have never been evaluated. I am fairly intelligent and self aware so I know to hide a lot of my symptoms.

Anyways, I'm just wondering what are some traits you have?

  • SweetLava [he/him]
    19 days ago

    Quick to boredom. Varied interest in different subjects depending on time or day or context, with an inability to concentrate on those same interests to the point of carelessness or agitation outside of that time/day/context. Mood swings. Apathy in general. Slow burnout that rarely recovers itself in a "reasonable" amount of time. Able to feel close to unknown people, not able to feel much connection or interest in the long-term. Bouts of isolation and/or depression. Frequently unmotivated. Forgetful. Procrastination and giving up last minute to avoid the problem. Self-medication. No respect for random people trying to "help" since I like to handle problems on my own terms, choosing treatment on my own terms. And, again specifically for me to make a point, boredom - it only goes away temporarily.

    This is ADHD I guess, you can try to look closer to see if there's anything interesting or if you can figure out another diagnosis of mine - but that would be a waste of time.
