So, I've decided to not look into this at all, but my understanding is that you're scored by like, size and weight of the best fish or added up fish total by the end of some fishing time limit. So like...isn't this mostly up to the fish? This meta feels VERY rng driven and hardly suitable to competitive play. im-vegan , but it came to kind and I'm curious how the fuck anyone gets credit here. If anything it should be whoever can catch any fish first.

  • spacecadet [he/him]
    16 days ago

    It is ambiguous because fish are not humans. You are anthropomorphizing the experience of the fish.

    That being said, I do not fish and it appears very cruel.

    • mathemachristian [he/him]
      16 days ago

      you stab the fish in the mouth, forcefully pull them out of their oxygenated environment, do a little dance with them or whyever you decided this would be "fun" and then mercifully let them go instead of killing them

    • radiofreeval [any]
      15 days ago

      They can't really remember being caught a lot of the time (depends on the species). You can catch the same fish on the same lure in a short timespan which indicates they either don't remember the lure or they don't have a lasting negative sensation from being caught.