Your answer could potentially help me un-fuck my website!

Details here.

Edit: The total capacity is currently 160 GB, so no amount of pruning will free up 1 TB. I need to mount an external share or something.

Edit2: I'm trying this but the command isn't working despite zero exit status.

  • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
    4 months ago

    You probably have some archival shit under /var/log that you can prune. I will usually go level-by-level running du -sh {PARENT_PATH}/* to narrow things down one level at a time until I find the offender. Check under /opt and user home dirs, too. Otherwise, you're probably stuck adding another disk or pushing data out to an S3 bucket.

    • TankieTanuki [he/him]
      4 months ago

      Can I make a BackBlaze bucket and mount that on the filesystem?

      • Findom_DeLuise [she/her, they/them]
        4 months ago

        Depends on if you can free up enough space on / to install any packages you may need for the filesystem drivers. I've never had to do it either way; if you have a local rig that you can test with, that might be a start.