• SoyViking [he/him]
    12 days ago

    Taiwan is China, even the separatist regime in Taipei agrees on that.

          • carl_marks_1312@lemmy.ml
            12 days ago

            Is the US among it? And why are they choosing to arm Taiwan instead? Do you think the US would be chill if another country decided to arm Hawaii,Puerto Rico, Alaska,.. ?

            • coolusername@lemmy.ml
              12 days ago

              FYI the weapons are basically shit (there's agreement among Taiwanese and Chinese nationalists) and can't be used for force projection at all. In Taiwan purchasing of these arms is considered paying protection money to the mafia. In the US it's spun as helping Taiwan protect itself against China. In China it's spun as the US interfering with China's "internal affairs" since they're larping as owning Taiwan.

              I do agree that the US is trying to bait China into attacking Taiwan though. The special forces in Kinmen to train kids (they're probably <23 years old) to pilot microdrones? LMAO. I'm not sure if CIA intelligence (as opposed to operations) even know the actual reason of why China wants to claim Taiwan. They may believe in their own propaganda.

    • Stitch0815@discuss.tchncs.de
      12 days ago

      Wait let me quickly turn to the left and ask my taiwanese coworker

      She says your full of shit and should go back to licking boots in silence

    • coolusername@lemmy.ml
      12 days ago

      The KMT doesn't represent Taiwan. The CPC should have finished them off/sent them to jail. Mao was for Taiwanese independene from it's Japanese colonizers.