• save_vs_death [they/them]
    5 days ago

    The human face is like that because of millions of muscle fibers, not because it's made out of hot dog meat. If it was really living then it would just wither and rot away because it has no real vascular system; there's nothing to feed it and there's nothing to take its waste away and repurpose it. More yellow journalism for I heccing love science bazinga brains, forget Gell-Mann Amnesia, this is Gell-Mann triumphalism.

    • kot [they/them]
      5 days ago

      In the image, in very small letters,

      taking inspiration from real skin ligaments,

      Seems like it's just worded in a way to sound like they made a robot with actual biological skin, when it's not the case at all and the writers are fully aware of it.