• HexBroke [any, comrade/them]
    3 days ago

    He went there about a decade and a half after the Soviet movie 'Circus' which was about a white woman and her biracial child fleeing the US to USSR, and was incredibly popular

    Ludvig tells Kneishitz that the peoples of the Soviet Union do not share his concern about racial purity or race at all.

    Dixon's black son is embraced by friendly Soviet people.

    The movie climaxes with a lullaby being sung to the baby by representatives of various Soviet ethnicities taking turns.

    The lyrics of the lullaby to the children are sung in Russian, Ukrainian, Yiddish, Uzbek and Georgian.

    One of the members of the audience is a black American man dressed in a Soviet naval officer's uniform with a white Russian wife

    Compare that to 1936 USA