He's guaranteed to lose now. I can't see a universe where the mental gymnastics add up to deciding that this is a good idea. Don't get me wrong, it'd be funny as hell. But I'm really not looking forward to the idea of more Trump.

  • shipwreck [comrade/them]
    5 days ago

    The problem is they cannot replace Biden, there is simply way too much Democratic money interests tied to the Biden administration.

    Ukraine is like Bitcoin - Biden has managed to pour huge amount of money onto that front and got everyone to buy into it, expecting the line to go up and up and up. Nobody wants to be left holding the bag, and that’s the same logic as people holding on to Bitcoin and refusing to sell. Better that everyone goes down together than to be the one making a loss. Sunk cost fallacy.

    Having said that, Biden is still not completely cooked yet. There are 5 months left, and “interesting” things can happen that would be so shocking that the polls could still be flipped.