Me: "Well dad, how'd dating work back in your day? Did you ride your ten speed down the the Sody-Pop-Shop to look for some hot dames?"

Dad: "I was born in 65."

Me, with a Mid-Atlantic Accent: "Hey there soda jerk know any toots with some hot gams I can take the Model T up to Fuck Butt Point with?"

Dad: "I met your Mom the same year Back to the Future 2 came out, you're off by like..."

Me: "Excuse me I'm gonna 23 Skidoo down to the Chapel with this Sally I meet five minutes ago and get hitched!"

  • Stolen_Stolen_Valor [any]
    3 days ago

    My Dad thinks this same shit.

    I can’t afford to date, Dad. It’s not the misogynistic “women be expensive” nonsense either. I can’t afford to leave the house to do anything by myself let alone another person.