The weird little bastards are eating metal and petrochemicals!

As a bonus, here are fungi that eat hard ionizing radiation, including in the radioactive core of the Chernobyl NPP

We're gonna make it. Well, maybe not us, but someone is definitely gonna make it.

  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    2 months ago

    And they'll speciate to fill out every niche they can and a few they can't. It's cold comfort, but we're... idk, we're all part of life. and not just life here, but the life that almost assuredly exists everywhere in the unfathomably vast universe. I want to win, i want to live to see communism and enjoy it. But, idk, I don't think of myself as an individual bound to this brief lifetime. You, me, all of us, we're part of vast cosmic processes. There's more than this lifetime on this world around this star. Our struggle isn't just for ourselves, or our kids, or even our species. It's... big. It's really big. It's for people who will come after us. It's to vindicate the martyr's who came before us. Hell, some day we might be the Posada aliens for the socialists of some other world. Idk. Giving up, even as bad as things are, just seems like small scale thinking.