As well as the other evils the right-wing Democrats have been doing. Even if Biden was young, there are more important things that would keep decent people from voting for him.

Funding overseas fascists and funding genocide.

Failing to protect abortion.

Failing to protect Trans rights.

Failing to protect the poor and allowing rent and basic living costs to sky rocket.

Failing to make a meaningful impact on climate change.

Failing to end predatory student loans.

Failing to enact universal healthcare.

Failing to handle Trump and the GOP in a meaningful way.

Working with the fascist GOP and "reaching across the isle" to the far-right.

Strong arming 'allies' and interfering with their sovereignty.

Failing to close the concentration camps at the boarder

Failing to properly lockdown against COVID and allowing the pandemic to continue to spread, mutate and kill millions and cripple millions more for life.

And much more.

Biden and the rest of the right-wing Democrats are just a big of a threat to democracy as Trump and the GOP. The Biden regimes refusal to enact the things the people voted him in for, as well as his prioritising of the wishes of the donor class over the wishes of the public show that the American plutocracy has serious corruption in both major parties that can't simply be voted away.

Blue MAGAs refusal to acknowledge this, and insistence on voting in a system that does not care about their vote is nothing short of cowardice. They are afraid of what living in a system where democracy has little meaning requires from them to defeat.

  • Red_Sunshine_Over_Florida [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Agree with you here. It's somewhat convenient to them that this was the thing that took the press away from the genocide in Palestine (Though the protests, being limited to university campuses, were bound to decline due to the summer break and thus reduce the visibility of the protest movement). It shows the complete lack of scruples the press has in that the issue of Biden's mental acuity, not his support of a genocide, was the thing that finally broke the dam of anti Trump pop-frontist press censorship we've had over this administration for the last three years.