Seriously, I am tired of the stereotypes of leftists in the west being and looking like children of the ‘soy’ as the fash call it ie weak as fuck. And almost to a large degree, it’s true.

I see chuds everywhere when I go to the gym, and they’re fucking hot ngl. They take care of their bodies. I don’t care if you’re short, fat, ugly, tall, diseased, you have to be fucking strong and athletic and you have to look good. You want to help the cause? Help yourself. Do it for vanity, do it for others, do it for the greater good, I don’t care. Fucking mobilize and look the best you can look and be the stringest you can be.

It’s hard, but so is literally everything. Just know this is going to take 3-4 years of consistency. If you’re starting out, don’t worry about a work out plan, and just lift heavy shit. Your biggest goal at this point is consistency, 5 days a week. Do that over 3-4 years, and progressive load every single day whether that be weights or whatever.

I want you fuckers to be fucking vain jesus fuck. Fuck your health, do heroin for all I care, but be jacked while doing it. Slowly start doing more functional things such as MMA or mobility work or w/e to truly maximise your physical potential

  • THEPH0NECOMPANY [he/him, comrade/them]
    3 months ago

    Just head to the gym and stay away from the free weight section for now, you want to stay where the machines are to start. These machines will have body diagrams that show you how to do the exercise and will highlight the muscle groups used. They are generally organized by body parts.

    For the first day you want to start with low weights do a few reps and increase the weight as needed, you want to shoot for about 3 sets of 10-15 reps. Just try to work out most everything, you will probably be incredibly sore on day 2, suck it up and go back to the gym, go very light weight and rep the soreness out. You should feel better after.

    Everyone has their own workout plan that works for them. Personally I do weights 6 days a week and alternate between push and pull muscle groups daily. You need to find something that works for your body. Most people have 3 day cycles.

    General tips Listen to your body, if something feels wrong stop. Stretch beforehand and afterwards Work from large muscle groups to smaller ones Ex: go from back to biceps, chest to triceps, leg press to quads.

    As for anxiety issues people at the gym are there to improve themselves, people are either in their in zone with headphones on or with friend groups doing their own thing, I actually think it's one of the less judgemental places I've been too. Everyone there experienced started out fresh too.