• Diuretic_Materialism [he/him]
    2 months ago

    Right, I think Gramsci's framing is the best, the state is a mediator between classes, but one that is HIGHLY biased towards the bourgeois. Most oppression happens via your boss or landlord, who usually have the backing of the state. However, there's plenty of instances of the state telling the bourgeois they've overplayed their hand and need to pay up. I've had two occasions of real estate court ruling in my favor against a shitty landlord, the government does sometimes punish corporations for dumping carcinogenics in the water supply. If the didn't the class contradictions would become too blatant and revolt would ensue.

    • ☆ Yσɠƚԋσʂ ☆
      2 months ago

      Agreed, I think the idea of the state as a mediator is the most accurate formulation. It's also worth noting that the state doesn't just resolve conflict between classes, but within classes as well. For example, when capitalists can't agree on something they use the legal system to resolve differences.