Seriously, I found my sister (who's nearly 30) watching a silly video about "feminists doing men's work", basically just a hate compilation of tiktoks and a chud yelling at the camera about evil leftists and stuff like that.

How the fuck do you stay happy watching this slop? It's just constant hateful bullshit, I'm surprised we don't see more terrorism from this stuff being consumed by millions of people everyday.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    1 month ago

    That's the neat part. They're not happy. think-mark

    They're utterly fucking miserable and addicted to the little neurochemical rushes that being angry all the time give to them. Hate can be addictive.

    I have relatives that are full blown fascists. I'm talking the type that get mad at Indiana Jones movies for being Jew-created anti-nazi propaganda (just about a direct quote there too). They're utterly fucking miserable and contagiously so to the point that I admit it helped contribute to my decision to move to the opposite coast and start over there with my family just to be physically out of reach of their radiation emissions. hitler-detector

    • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
      1 month ago

      The worst fucking part is they play fucking coy about it too. When they go on a rant about pronouns or trans people, and I point out that they're being angry at people for no reason, they go "Uhm akshully I'm not angry, you are! smuglord "

      I fucking haaate it monke-rage

      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 month ago

        They also like to do bait-drops, like suddenly typing out of nowhere "MY PRONOUNS ARE..." or the old moldly groyper favorite "DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER" and by playing the part of a straw "woke" for only a few seconds they can get hours of reactionary circlejerking started in online spaces. debord-tired

        • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
          1 month ago

          The worse one is them bringing up how "Muslims are all rapists" but dressed up as concern-trolling for victims of crime. I call them out on it but then it's me that is the bad person? Like fuuuuuck you lenin-rage

          • UlyssesT [he/him]
            1 month ago

            For me, the worst typical chuddery are "(LGBTQIA+) are mentally ill" posts from extremely well adjusted and very normal people that post (CW: suicide references, bullying)


            unprompted statistics about suicide and then state their desire to watch such people die over and over again because they are concerned.

            Cowardly nazi fucks should drop the concern trolling, but if they did, they might also stop being nazis and be something very slightly less horrible instead.

            • RedWizard [he/him, comrade/them]
              1 month ago

              A guy I know, nicest guy generally, but boy, don't get him talking about white male suicide rates. Known him for 20+ years, but over time he's become more and more reactionary. He's a smart guy, could easily be a leftist since our views usually align, but he's so entrenched in his world view that it would take an act of god to get him out of it.

              I don't know what you call it. Sunk Cost Fallacy? To even begin to admit hes wrong would mean his been wrong about so many other things. I think that's what keeps them in this cage.

              • UlyssesT [he/him]
                1 month ago

                I don't know what you call it. Sunk Cost Fallacy? To even begin to admit hes wrong would mean his been wrong about so many other things.

                I think that's exactly what it is. It's the "STILL LOVE THE TRUCKKK" of political ideology.

            • SkingradGuard [he/him, comrade/them]
              1 month ago

              Like you said, the suicide one makes me so mad, because they simultaneously concern troll over trans suicide, then celebrate said suicides, make jokes about it etc.

              Fuck these sick freaks.

          • Amerikan
            1 month ago

            Every time I hear the 'muslims are all rapists' bit, I just kinda grin because it's one of the few places where my infinitely-regretted time as an Amerikan uniform actually comes in handy. I just ask them to say that again to every single white man who caught an SA charge on a military base. I ask them how high they think SA rates get on state-side bases. (It's even worse at overseas bases; it's just over here that anything actually seems to happen to perpetrators.) And then I guffaw, heartily, from the belly-up whenever they either fail to give me a percentage, or low-ball it so hard that you can smell the exceptionalism on the opinion.

            Like, nah, peckerwood; it's white men who are perpetrating the majority of it.

    • BelieveRevolt [he/him]
      1 month ago

      mad at Indiana Jones movies for being Jew-created anti-nazi propaganda


      • UlyssesT [he/him]
        1 month ago

        They had some glowing white-hot takes that were at least as bad as that but knowing them for decades makes it hard to narrow down and just pick one at a time, you know?

        Fine, here's another: being told by a woman, especially a black woman, to sit down and wait their damn turn while in a government office is such a deep psychic wound that the woman's voice should be said in screeching falsetto, with dehumanizing descriptions of her appearance, her supposed body odor, and her sexual proclivities, decades after that incident happened.

        How dare a less-successful off-brand trump-anguish have to go through such a traumatic experience! grill-broke