The story of literal "American Jesus".

A good story, a good criticism of American culture as a whole and the internal desire of all Americans for some savior or politician to expunge them and save them from their national and personal sins.

Enjoy! One of my favorite issues from a comic of all time.

Edit: I've been told he's been accused of sexual assault, scratching my previous comment on being thankful he didn't end up a shitty person. Genuinely had no idea.


  • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
    1 month ago



    Just read a bit. JFC how hard is it to not sexually assault your staff? Even if you don't sexually assault your staff, it's like celebrity 101 you do not put yourself in a position that could be misinterpreted in any way, shape, or form. Like holy shit take your bath before you have people over. Even if he didn't do anything wrong, he deserves to have his money taken for being a dipshit.

    But there's no way it was consensual. She was his employee. Even if she consents, it's not consent. Fuck him.

    • Riffraffintheroom [none/use name]
      29 days ago

      I know. It’s disappointing. His work gave me a huge shot in the arm when I needed it most as a kid. We’ve been Whedon’ed.

      1 month ago

      Agreed. I'm so upset about this. I've loved Sandman for most of my life and hearing about this makes me so depressed. What a piece of shit. With these many accusations it's hard to deny any of it. Even one is suspect.

      • Belly_Beanis [he/him]
        1 month ago

        It's especially shitty because The Sandman is feminist and queer friendly from a time when it wasn't safe to do so. There's that PSA in the back of one of the issues about AIDS prevention and practicing safe sex when the it was the height of the epidemic. Reactionaries were okay letting millions die but there was this comic book sticking its neck out when it didn't have to.