I just saw this video, and realized how much misleading this guy is. Blud just made up his own definition for "jatitva", lmao, which according to him is the formation and rigidification of caste identity, when it reality, it is more like the brotherhood.

"Jitni aabadi, utna haaq" - this Hindu/Urdu statement, which literally translates to "The right (to reservation) will be symmetrical to the population (of that particular caste)", is taken in wrong context by this guy (maliciously, while pretending to be an enlightened centrist).

Brahmins make up to 4.3% of the total population, and yet they have control over almost every high-level governmental and private sectors, and that this unfair cycle of occupation continues to the next generation, benefiting only their fellow groups. This statement by RaGa was in the sense that wealth distribution should take place for the other castes, who are in the majority, and yet have no say in how to govern the country.

In one of his other videos (marked timestamp), he speaks of this conspiracy bullshit, where he demonizes Dravidians (generally referred to South Indians) wanting to eliminate Brahmins, just like how the Nazis killed the Jews. And this particular video is so full of shit, like for example, it denies folk and tribal religion identity, and their own practices. Source? "Trust me bro, I've not lived a single day in India, but I know more than you".

Bro also wrote this article: Critical Caste Theory: A Dubious Discourse.