Meanwhile my ecology professor is literally teaching that survival of the fittest is about genetic superiority and that evolution is about working towards that 'goal'. This is incorrect and bad science that is rooted in right-wing ideology that was disproven decades ago.

This is not what survival of the fittest means by the way. There is no such thing as a genetically superior being, as 'fitness' is totally subjective, as well as dependent on your environment. A lifeform that reproduces well in the ocean will still die if you put in the vacuum of space, no matter how 'fit' it was for ocean life. Not to mention the idea that nature has some sort of conscious goal is anthropomorthising a concept and again, bad science.

I really want to do something about this, but I feel like complaining will get me failed or known as a shit stirrer.

I fucking hate capitalist education.

On the plus side, our next lecture is on mutualism

  • buh [she/her]
    27 days ago

    it's been a while since I graduated college but the wokest it ever got was an into linguistics class that was like "different native american nations have different languages, they're not a monolith" and an english class where we read Fun Home. everything else was non-political like math or programming (and usually taught by people who would sneak in conservative politics in their lectures) or espoused conventional "moderate" ideals.

    oh yeah and I remembered companies like Raytheon and Lockheed Martin had offices in the main engineering building for some reaspn