Kiddo2 got his tubes in this week. He's woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night just unconsolable. Tylenol seems to be the only thing that calms him down. Going to call the pediatrician tomorrow to see of that's normal...
He's fine all day long, just in the middle of the night.
Also he's been doing a lot of mimicking which is so cute. He's been doing more baby sign language too. Big moves for the little guy.
Like myringotomy/tympanostimy tubes? Sleep is super important but you could try - this is gonna suck for you too - waking him up every 3 hours and alternating between tylenol and advil (like tylenol on hour 0, advil on hour 3, etc). At least until you get your pediatrician appointment, might help. That's what we do at work.
Yeah. Its happened maybe twice since Tuesday. He naps fine. He's totally himself for the whole day. When he wakes up he refuses a bottle, refuses a Binky, he's just crying and crying.
He's generally a bad sleeper to start with. This is different though. Thanks for the advice!
It's not unheard of for their to be pain up to a week, but it's usually pretty mild. I wonder if it's postural cause it's only happening at night... anyway, yeah best to follow up with the doctor.
Kiddo2 got his tubes in this week. He's woke up a couple of times in the middle of the night just unconsolable. Tylenol seems to be the only thing that calms him down. Going to call the pediatrician tomorrow to see of that's normal...
He's fine all day long, just in the middle of the night.
Also he's been doing a lot of mimicking which is so cute. He's been doing more baby sign language too. Big moves for the little guy.
Like myringotomy/tympanostimy tubes? Sleep is super important but you could try - this is gonna suck for you too - waking him up every 3 hours and alternating between tylenol and advil (like tylenol on hour 0, advil on hour 3, etc). At least until you get your pediatrician appointment, might help. That's what we do at work.
Yeah. Its happened maybe twice since Tuesday. He naps fine. He's totally himself for the whole day. When he wakes up he refuses a bottle, refuses a Binky, he's just crying and crying.
He's generally a bad sleeper to start with. This is different though. Thanks for the advice!
It's not unheard of for their to be pain up to a week, but it's usually pretty mild. I wonder if it's postural cause it's only happening at night... anyway, yeah best to follow up with the doctor.