You can order diy from actually hold on what the fuck was the site called..
🏳️⚧️ | 🐎👧
You can order diy from actually hold on what the fuck was the site called..
I go with my thirst instincts, drink about 500 mL anytime I start feeling thirsty. Sometimes hungry too.
Adults should have about 1.5 L of water (or fluids in general I guess) a day
Love is Blind Germany may have been the worst season of this stupid show I've ever seen. Just awful.
It's reasonable to be scared and anxious, particularly what you've disclosed about your family before. Ultimately, what medication you want and need is your decision, not your family's - that doesn't mean they might not be shitty about it and maybe even a pain in the ass and do stuff like throw out your meds, but its always going to be your call what you want to put in your body. I don't know and can't guarantee how they'd take you being on HRT, but I've been eternally surprised by some very rural and very conservative parents taking their kids transition in stride (because they might not get it but they love their kid). This doesn't erase some of the horrible things that still happen or your anxieties.
You've been dealing with a lot of very hard emotional things lately. I know it can feel overwhelming. What are some things you think you can do to get past any shitty family behaviour? One possibility is keeping your medication and needles with a friend you trust, do you have any what I'm gonna call "bonus parents"? Like parents' friends you can trust and be out with. Do you have any ideas?
As for how to get needles, it depends on where you live but usually you're able to purchase medical supplies online. Sometimes you can get it with no questions or prescription from a pharmacy, depends on where you're at. I requisition my supply from my workplace lol~ If you get needles, you can get a sharps container for them and should (usually pharmacies supply them sometimes for free and will dispose of your sharps when it's full and get you another rbin).
A while ago, I filled in for someone who called in sick in mental health - they didn't have anybody to cover this new patient they were accepting and they were a kid and we had the extra staff. Anyway, sitting in that little room in silence was one of the best few hours of work I'd had in a while. One of the regulars came in to cover, finally, but they still needed 2. We sat together in total silence reading for an hour, I switched with someone from my unit, and when my coworker came back she talked about how horrible it was just sitting in silence lol. I got way too many people who always want my ear or my opinion or there's some proverbial fire to handle at work and then home everyone's yakking or I have some event or agreed to a presentation.
But that few hours in calm silence and peace was so sweet~
I do not get the people that find all the socializing stuff I have to do daily between work and home life as appealing. Put me back in a quiet room with no one else or at least someone who doesn't want to talk
I hope things start getting easier for you, Wendy
Between my one cousins wedding and my brothers wedding, I came out. It wasn't as big a deal for them I thought it'd be, cause I had been out. I was a little hurt that my brother didn't include me in the wedding party, but... he had to pick his oldest brother which wasn't me so I took it as him accepting me.
No 😒
Big pharma doesn't want us to have it
Work fuckin sucked this weekend, charge duties, way too many patients, staff calling out and no one picking up, sicker kids than the last week, bleh. Glad it's over
You know, before I ever got em I thought I'd be playing with them a lot more. I'm glad they're here and all
They don't want those voters and they don't care if they lose
I swear to god the two people at this coffee place are dating and they are both some of the most attractive people I've ever seen
The more rural and the older the less they misgender me, I'm assuming I just pass to old rural dudes. There are a lot of Hutterites and Mennonites in my area, very traditional and conservative especially with gender norms - apparently I pass quite well with them too (I get asked often if I have children or will have children and if Im married, I always want to tell em I dont have a uterus lol). But a plugged in dude or a "feminist" they'll misgender me all day lmao
I'm not afraid of confrontation but I always feel like an asshole after even if I was "right" or whatever or had a good reason to
Yelled at my boss about patient care stuff (boring beaurocratic stuff, she's making exceptions to our off service adult patients and it keeps being a problem when she's not around because of it). That was cool
omg six squares makes a cube 😲
"God doesn't make mistakes - except for my nose job, that was a mistake I'm allowed to have corrected"
If you want to be a God type person or have an ally who is a God type person and that reasoning bothers you, then I like the trans guy on tumblr or Twitter who said "God created trans people for the same reason He created grapes and not wine - so that we may participate in the act of creation."
No, if you had something wrong you should have checked you'd probably feel sick and would've wanted to go to the hospital despite the cost before getting funky lab values by chance. They aren't perfect there's a little up and down each test could be. For all we know if you went back your lab values would all be WDL this time anyway. I wouldn't sweat funky labs unless you're having symptoms and feel sick. The only big one for your lytes before HRT is potassium anyway (if the plan is for you to start spiro) and you said that one was fine.
No lol you'd have to be actually child sized. Even 1.5 is the lower end, 1.5 to 2 L is where you should be to not feel dehydrated and kinda shitty.