Idk if this is common it happens to me a lot.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    22 days ago

    That's happened to me once in a while.

    It isn't a sure thing to instill class consciousness in a coworker; there's a rare but very real risk they do become class conscious, decide they hate their class in a way that makes them hate everyone around them that shares in that class, and they bootlick even harder to try to squeak their way into middle management or the like, kicking the ladder down that much harder behind them.

    That was a horrid pizza place experience overall... and it got worse because the sycophant I just mentioned couldn't do basic math so she still needed the people she despised to do the balance sheets at the end of the day. No, she didn't pick me because she knew what she did. peppino-you-suck