got a call from a doc about a mole they looked at a few weeks ago and i'm being fast tracked to a dermatologist for a biopsy. cue panic attack and being completely useless for two days whilst my brain fills in the blanks with the worst result possible

this is only my worst nightmare and now i have to go to work like i'm not crumbling inside

  • EllenKelly [comrade/them]
    16 days ago

    I had three moles cut out of my back that looked really scary (apparently, i couldnt see them lol), they sent them for a biopsy, and they were inert (or whatever)

    I hope this gives you a lil hope. I'm in auatralia so most people in my family have had melanoma scares, its one of the most treatable cancers (and youre still probably fine! My family are all old codgers)

    Try to stay a little positive, make some time to do something you have control over, play a game, draw something. Its good for your brain and your body
