• carpoftruth [any, any]
    8 hours ago

    I don't have any reason to trust the WSJ, but in the magnified image some of the other things that look like shadows don't have the same alignment as the crane shadow marked. Look at the shadow of the two cranes on the two middle boats - they point up and to the right instead of horizontally.

    • culpritus [any]
      8 hours ago

      This is just a failure to understand the 3D aspect of the shadows and cranes. The sun (light source) is up high and almost in direct line with the crane on the left. These cranes are not vertical, but at different angles to the light source and the the water/surface. That's why the shadows are like that. This is very basic satellite imagery analysis.

      simple visual aid to show how all the shadows and cranes are congruent with the light source:


      Also most submarines are not wedge shaped like the big shadow of the left crane.