Being sick enough typically meant spending the day laying in bed, alternately shivering and burning, drifting in and out of sleep, occasionally puking, and that was still preferable to spending the day at school.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    6 hours ago

    As a former educator I am among the first to point out systemic problems and failures of policy and so-called "reforms" from the no-oil years to even worse under obama-sad , where "no child left behind" became "race to the top" and in both cases enriched private testing corporations and charter school conglomerates by expecting kids to fail their deluge of fucking tests and planning accordingly.

    That said, "school sux and shouldn't exist at all" is a clownishly bad take for any society that wants to exist longer than a few years. It's "no veggies at dinner, no bedtimes" ideology at its most primordial.

    • BeamBrain [he/him]
      6 hours ago

      As a former educator I am among the first to point out systemic problems and failures

      That said, "school sux and shouldn't exist at all" is a clownishly bad take

      hegel "Thesis, antithesis, synthesis!"