• CarbonConscious [he/him]
    6 hours ago

    I mean I guess? Seems like the people you'd want to be blocking in the first place are the exact type of people you'd expect to have a whole clown car full of obnoxious burner accounts in the first place. And FB and IG make more sense because those accounts are (at least theoretically) real id linked - you're not supposed to be able to just go make more accounts on a whim, and you're setting the privacy on posts to only show to mutuals. Just seems like the flimsiest protection imaginable.

    And yeah obvs bellend does this stuff to help his impressively stupid followers, and it's definitely dumb, but I'd be a thousand percent surprised if he hasn't made the engineers over there work insane overtime hours just to hardcore his account with godmode viewing and posting powers. Hell, we saw the code for white(!)-listed hate speech filter bypass for him and his buddies, so they're clearly not above it.

    Just seems like a really surface level thing to worry about that doesn't really affect any degree of safety or privacy. Still, stupid, yes.