In a few decades Copenhagen will probably have a lot more snow, similar to the impact on the Great Lakes region in North America.
In a hundred years Copenhagen will either have a huge amount of snow, or rain, and/or periods of severe drought where you don't get much of either of those.
in a few decades you'll get to repost this with the caption "copenhagen used to have snow"
If Texas is any indication, it might just get more extreme instead
good point if greenland meltwaters disrupt the gulf stream then my comment will look quite foolish 30 years from now
You're going to need to start saying 25 now, 2025 is less than 40 days away
i was thinking "in a few decades" not necessarily "by 2050" but i take your point, that train's already left the station
Sorry, in two different comment chains
In a few decades Copenhagen will probably have a lot more snow, similar to the impact on the Great Lakes region in North America.
In a hundred years Copenhagen will either have a huge amount of snow, or rain, and/or periods of severe drought where you don't get much of either of those.
see now i have to come clean and admit that i didn't at all check the output of an appropriately conditioned regional climate model before posting
what're your thoughts on the clathrate gun?
That's clever.