This is like the 3 time I've shit myself on accident this year, every time it happens I go to fart and push a little too hard and soil myself. now it has me worried I'm dying.
This is like the 3 time I've shit myself on accident this year, every time it happens I go to fart and push a little too hard and soil myself. now it has me worried I'm dying.
Suddenly having fecal incontinence could be an indicator of a serious physical issue. I see in other comments you are planning to get real medical advice and encourage you to follow through on that. It is a vague symptom like coughing: could be a cold, asthma flare up, chemical exposure, medication side effect, TB, traumatic injury, congenital disorder... Without knowing anything else about you it's impossible to guess at the cause let alone the solution as various people seem to be doing.
More common with aging but not a normal/expected part of getting older. People accrue problems as they age but those problems have reasons.
You dont need to rush to the ER today but should probably organize assessment in the next month or 2. You aren't dying more than anyone else.