Hopin' China's reforesting tech proves sustainable. Also Prolekult/James Bell was mentioning hempcrete, which is another that I'd think would help a lot. Hopin' for new sword technology. . .
Hopin' China's reforesting tech proves sustainable. Also Prolekult/James Bell was mentioning hempcrete, which is another that I'd think would help a lot. Hopin' for new sword technology. . .
Trains: specially maglevs. To be kind of honest I’m a massive technophobe especially after feeling like I’m too stupid for STEM, but there are some tech I fully appreciate.
Prosthetic limbs: I don’t have any, but it’s pretty cool seeing how far medicine has come.
A lot of medical breakthroughs are very fascinating
Seeing advancements in green energy is always nice. For example, I really like Quebec’s hydroelectricity and hydro-quebec seems to be something they’re proud of. Makes my Ohioan yank ass very jealous.
I wish I was good enough for STEM, because working on some of these technologies does sound sincerely fascinating
Hydro Quebec and the North American hydro infrastructure generally are built on fucking over the indigenous residents of the land though. HQ in particular kept flooding sacred indigenous lands to make reservoirs, sometimes starting the projects without warning and sometimes breaking treaties to do it.
How to self-troll:
Be north american
Find something somewhat cool about north america (Cuba being the exception)
Find out it’s a vehicle for colonial violence.