Leave your job as CEO to found a start up that does the most useless, worthless thing you can imagine and use your remaining pull to sell your old company a service contract to use it for 10 years. Then sue them when they figure out the product is killing their profits and try to stop using it.
Innovation is using your money and influence you got from being wealthy and influential to trap the largest target you can into a predatory rent seeking business arrangement.
Looks like he went from making a tea and cafe company to this shit, which is also a great illustration of capitalism. He starts with making something physical and helpful to actual people in real life, but it isn't profitable enough. You know what is? Ads and data tracking, something which doesn't actually produce or make anything physical, or even helpful, but in our capitalist hellscape actually is more profitable, and more attractive to VC's.
I couldn't stop grinning throughout this whole article. A perfectly farcical representation of American capitalist "innovation"
Leave your job as CEO to found a start up that does the most useless, worthless thing you can imagine and use your remaining pull to sell your old company a service contract to use it for 10 years. Then sue them when they figure out the product is killing their profits and try to stop using it.
Innovation is using your money and influence you got from being wealthy and influential to trap the largest target you can into a predatory rent seeking business arrangement.
Looks like he went from making a tea and cafe company to this shit, which is also a great illustration of capitalism. He starts with making something physical and helpful to actual people in real life, but it isn't profitable enough. You know what is? Ads and data tracking, something which doesn't actually produce or make anything physical, or even helpful, but in our capitalist hellscape actually is more profitable, and more attractive to VC's.