I can't upload all the pictures and videos because they're too big apparently! But it was fucking awesome. At least 150,000 people were there marching for Palestine and SCREAMING the "Biden, Biden, you can't hide, you're funding a genocide" chants. It was genuinely so hopeful and refreshing. It was made very clear that this was only the beginning of more direct action that will have consequences and force the hand of our dictators of capital. We spray painted a McDonald's window "GAZA" (in minecraft of course) and screamed "Fuck McDonald's" because we're boycotting Starbucks and McDonald's. I met a few pretty relevant tiktokers and Karina Garcia, the PSL's presidential candidate's VP!

Overall a fucking wonderful experience and I'm going to bring this energy back home. Like I said this is only the beginning and it really is showing some serious dedication and revolutionary intent.

Check out answercoalition on Instagram to see the size of the crowd and some of the speeches. I'll see if I can link pictures in the comments below.


  • TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
    8 months ago

    Okay I can't even put the pictures in the comments because they're too big but if you guys want my insta you can low-key dm me on here and I'll give it idgaf I'm not scared anymore so <3

    • darkcalling@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      You could create an imgur album with them or else use imgbb [dot] com. Just be careful to thoroughly censor any photos showing people committing potential criminal acts (for example if a photo shows someone committing a potential crime and they have a very identifiable green patch with a symbol on their right upper arm, even if their face is obscured there, if you or someone else post a photo elsewhere of that same person with the patch visible with their mask off or some other identifying info present it can be used to tie them to that crime and convict). Stay safe and thanks for the report and your efforts comrade.

    • albigu@lemmygrad.ml
      8 months ago

      Maybe you could post it on pixelfed? I'm not sure how that one works, but it's supposedly similar to instagram and will probably be slightly less self-doxxing than linking your personal one.

      • TeezyZeezy@lemmygrad.ml
        8 months ago

        Bahh idrc at this point lol I trust yall and if there's feds here then there's definitely feds at the protest and the pigs already know who I am. Appreciate your advice but I'm a bit reckless and fearless at the moment maybe I'll regret it but lol

        My rationalization is if I'm too scared to show myself how do I expect to be courageous enough to fight a real revolution yk? Not bashing being secure at all just that's how I think thru it

        • albigu@lemmygrad.ml
          8 months ago

          tbh I also selfishly recommended it because instagram is really annoying to access without an account. For instance, I can't browse the action coalition page right now because they decided that one must give random server errors. If you're feeling bold, more power to you!