I stole the text from this tweet.

Having allowed the potential of police reform to die by focusing exclusively on the slogan about it and not at all on the substance of the issue, Democrats will now attempt to allow a genocide to happen by focusing exclusively on the slogan about it. Onward and upward, heroes.


  • Frank [he/him, he/him]
    7 months ago

    "Abolish the police is too confusing! It's too extreme! We're purposely misrepresenting it! Fuck you peasant!"

    They did something similar with Occupy. Instead of ever engaging with it the media latched on to the through terminating "What are there demands?" and just kept hammering on the idea that Occupy had no agenda or demands for reform until Obummer finally crushed the movement.

    Now it's "DO YOU CONDEMN HAMAS!>!>!>!>!>!!" mothertrucker Hamas has never shot anyone in my neighborhood, unlike the cops.

    • MattsAlt [comrade/them]
      7 months ago

      "If you can't distill a huge problem of our current society and your proposed solution down to a catchy phrase that also fully explains the nuance of the situation then I'm sorry but I can't support it and will instead side with the opposition"

      Almost like they already know what side they want to be on and just need to find a reason to explain it

  • MF_COOM [he/him]
    7 months ago

    allow a genocide to happen by focusing exclusively on the slogan about it.

    Maybe I'm being dumb but what slogan are we talking about here?

    • InevitableSwing [none/use name]
      7 months ago

      on the slogan

      Now that I think about it - I realize I made a mistake - I should have edited the source tweet more and changed that phrase to "on the sloganeering".
