It is widely known that post Maidan Ukraine has embarked on a massive campaign of historical falsification and revisionism. There are countless discussions in the Russian media sphere of the garbage that the Kiev regime's "historians" claim and write in their school history textbooks. Even if this one is just an internet rumor, there are thousands of other no less absurd distortions and lies that they print in the literature that the fascist Kiev regime teaches to Ukrainian children:
Let me guess, they omitted when their founding fathers were supported by A-H to neutralise small group of Poles threatening the political stability of that clay-legged empire?
It is widely known that post Maidan Ukraine has embarked on a massive campaign of historical falsification and revisionism. There are countless discussions in the Russian media sphere of the garbage that the Kiev regime's "historians" claim and write in their school history textbooks. Even if this one is just an internet rumor, there are thousands of other no less absurd distortions and lies that they print in the literature that the fascist Kiev regime teaches to Ukrainian children:
Let me guess, they omitted when their founding fathers were supported by A-H to neutralise small group of Poles threatening the political stability of that clay-legged empire?