Please explain why or why not

  • AlpineSteakHouse [any]
    8 months ago

    Nope, sharing a le epic commie meme about hating your boss doesn't change the fact that most workers in the west are still materially aligned with Imperialism and other reactionary elements. Individuals can rise above that but the economic class a a whole cannot. There have been and can be revolutionaries who come from the bourgeoisie class, Engels and Marx the most prominent, but the bourgeoisie class as a whole is not revolutionary.

    Likewise, you can make and share as many commie memes as you like but it doesn't change the class character of the individuals. The only potential use is in finding comradery. Or possibly in spreading revolutionary ideals during revolutionary times. But you're not going to meme your way into communism, the best you can do is accelerate it once the conditions are ripe. If we could change the course of history solely with ideas then Marxism would be disproven.

    Idealism, the philosophy not optimism, is the current brainrot of Western Communists and it will continue for quit a long time.