Reason sucks, of course, but at least they've been consistent on the police state. Radley Balko, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop and an influential anti-police blogger, wrote for them for a long time. I read his blog back in the day for civil liberties news and there was always good reporting on the bullshit that so-called expert witnesses like to spew (especially about arson and bite marks and other pseudosciency things).
Then when he'd go on vacation and had someone substitute for him suddenly all of the posts were about how taxes are stealing.
Yeah, I think this is one of the areas of common ground that we can find with principled "classical liberals" (lol). The state monopoly on violence sucks fucking ass.
Reason sucks, of course, but at least they've been consistent on the police state. Radley Balko, author of Rise of the Warrior Cop and an influential anti-police blogger, wrote for them for a long time. I read his blog back in the day for civil liberties news and there was always good reporting on the bullshit that so-called expert witnesses like to spew (especially about arson and bite marks and other pseudosciency things).
Then when he'd go on vacation and had someone substitute for him suddenly all of the posts were about how taxes are stealing.
Yeah, I think this is one of the areas of common ground that we can find with principled "classical liberals" (lol). The state monopoly on violence sucks fucking ass.