For me it would be the following:

  1. Don't reuse usernames/names
  2. Avoid using social media
  3. Use Tor/VPN when you can
    11 months ago

    Here's the ultimate tip for securing your private information.

    1. Keep away from the Internet
    11 months ago
    1. Password manager such as Bitwarden, generate long strong passwords for everything. 1a. SSO (By which I mean "log in with Google/Microsoft/Apple/Whatever") nothing.
    2. Hardware keys, MFA on anything that doesn't support one.
    3. Degoogle, de-megacorp.

    VPN shouldn't even be in the top 10. The benefits are dubious at best and the jury is still out on whether it makes you more of a target.

    11 months ago

    Wow. Lemmy's user base has really pidgeon-holed itself in these comments. Just observing, not critcizing. Interesting to see. Privacy to most people here means privacy from big tech and government. Responses are also largely technology-focused solutions rather than personal practices.

    I'm going to throw "Don't give out your personal information" into the ring to round things out.

    11 months ago

    Got some disagreements here:

    I'd say you can reuse names/user names but then you should seperate your internet personality from your reallife personality.

    Choose the right social media (fedi verse stuff that doesn't spy on you)

    Also tor is a bit much for most things. for staying private a vpn you can personally trust should be enough

    But the tips you listed are great for staying anonymous