They want to harvest the data, without Google's control, and give none to Google.
A third competitor for Android and iOS would be amazing. But not if it's Amazon..
Apple would sell for 10 but would deny until death that it sold, and still convince you to believe that it didn't sell.In addition to giving it a "cool" name like DNA Titanium Protection XDR or something like that,
OOnly if it is Libre Software. We are tired of proprietary rubbish
TL;DR Amazon is building a Linux distro that starts a chromium to run react native apps. Apparently, you need hundreds of people for that.
oh great, yet another platform that will use free software to restrict what people can do with their computing devices 🤮
how is this supposed to be a good thing? 🙄
I already tried an Amazon Fire tablet, Amazon. No thanks. I returned it. I don't need a locked-down console that spies on me. Windows is well on its way to becoming that already.
I tried to get one since it was 30 bucks, so I'm not too surprised this is how they operated. They are locking down jindles real hard too. Probably going to make a lot of ewaste.
Another not-Linux Linux based operating system. Can't wait to argue same as with Android and ChromeOS that this is not like "real" desktop Linux looks.
We really should stick to calling it GNU or something.
The only thing I care about in this is if they will contribute anything back to the open source ecosystem, be it code or anything else.
No chance. Amazon has a long history of using a ton of FOSS code on AWS and contributing fuck-all.
The more you control something, the easier it is to take your
Most TV operating systems are already non-android linux based. They mostly just run webapps.
hopefully they'll design some package manager incompatible with android at the most basic level - and then double down when it's proven to be a huge mistake. a good tick upwards for dev jobs, but the time for actual competition was over 10 years ago. this will fail miserably.
Why? Chromeos is linux and can play android apps. Can't linux run android apps as well? Waydroid, etc.?
Genuine question
Probably because it is stupid simple to escape their ecosystem just by sideloading apps. They want to lock you down with their own OS.
Curious if it'll be opensource and mobile linux distro. If Amazon gets into the mobile linux game, the mobile phone market might change radically.