Follow-up from "Dumbest Thing you have done distro-hopping?".

Here's mine - the laptop from which I'm typing right now has a broken touchpad that keeps jumping and clicking randomly, and does not work. Well, I can't afford to fix it, but at the moment, I was so pissed off I punched the touchpad really hard, and the machine panicked with all the lights blinking. A few more revival abuses, and the machine was back to life, but since I was running a nixos-rebuild switch --upgrade in the background, I blew off my boot partition. I think I just broke the unbreakable distro.

    8 months ago

    Two things:

    • About a week ago in school, my friend told me to remove System32. I told him that I don't have it on Linux and that I'll show him how to break Linux. I typed rm -fr / --no-preserve-root, but I was really tired that day, and for some reason, I pressed enter. After a second, I did Ctrl+C, and luckily, it was without sudo, but it still deleted many random files on my system that I've had access to.
    • Once I wanted to ssh into my Raspberry Pi on the local network and accidentally entered my local ip address and SSHed into my own computer, I was SSHing from. I deleted some config files thinking I'm doing it on the Raspberry, but luckily, I haven't done any big damage. It could have ended much worse, however, because it took almost two hours of confused screaming until I noticed that I'm, in fact, doing all the stuff on my own computer. Don't have the same username and password on pc and server, guys.