HI Guys..

I have a Raspberry Pi 4B & I've been looking into using it with an AI image upscaler, to batch upscale images. I have yet to find any useful info, or to get anything I've tried working. Just wondering if anyone here would be able to offer up any thoughts or info.

Many thanks....

Things I've tried: esrgan, real-esrgan, ncnn, upscaly & beatmup.

  • Raccoonn@lemmy.ml
    11 months ago

    I tried upscayl already, but couldn't get it to run. Never heard of box86/64, will have to check them out. I may actually try compiling it. But if all fails I guess I'll just have to leave my main computer running overnight....

    • M500@lemmy.ml
      11 months ago

      I’m assuming you meant to say you never heard of box86, but it allows you to run x86 software on arm. I’ve never used it.

      I tried to use upscayl with just an iGPU in an 8700 and it was so slow, I wasn’t even sure if it was working. I can’t imagine a pi is going to do anything in any reasonable amount of time.

      • Raccoonn@lemmy.ml
        11 months ago

        Yes sorry, that is what I meant.. I actually don't have high hopes, but I'm willing to give it a try. Worst case I'll just leave my main computer on overnight....