I’ve been recovering from an injury and staying with family since I can’t walk right now, and I’ve caught a lot of Fox News is the last five days. Like I knew they were fucked by every segment is either about “Wokeism” (which seems a whole heck of a lot like Cultural Bolshevism) or “Biden’s Communist Agenda. The segment I just saw was them going to Little Mogadishu in Minneapolis and they walk up to three people and those people say they don’t speak English. They went in to say that this was destroying America with “separate cultures” and I was really expecting them to say something about the White Christian Blood and Soil but they must of cut to commercial before that. I guess this is a rant but Jesus fuck we are getting apartheid in 2022.

  • zifnab25 [he/him, any]
    3 years ago

    they would just be complaining about something else and implying immigrants shouldn’t be coming here even if they spoke perfect english.

    Reminded of the 90s, when every aspect of black culture - music, clothing, accent, food, religious affiliation, tattoos and piercings, you name it - was interrogated ad nauseam. Black people were over-sexed, lazy, ugly, extravagant, tacky, gullible, poorly mannered, and gross.

    Then white millennials began adopting the black aesthetic and there was another panick over the "influence" black culture had on the stupid idiot kids. This became a new kind of justification for white flight and school segregation.

    Finally, once white business interests had entirely appropriated and monetized black culture, we saw a pivot into Rural White Pride and a veneration of all the "bad" culture of 90s-era black communities now sanctified beneath a Confederate Flag.