thought that was funny, how sensative can you be to ban people for having a different opinion🤣

    8 months ago

    the first guy already said that, so i dont know what youre trying to imply. please, explain it to me

      7 months ago

      We can all see your comments and they are very insensitive. I wouldn’t have banned you over them but I see why a hexbear mod would.

          7 months ago

          No, you are putting words into your mouth. People are telling you what the words you are putting into your mouth mean and what the consequences are.

          Take the feedback. Or leave it.

          Either way, you are responsible for your actions.

                7 months ago

                why? i wouldn't ban you even though you are quite clearly trolling to try getting a rise out of people

                  7 months ago

                  I’m not trolling. You seem genuinely incapable of taking any criticism on board, thereby virtually guaranteeing that the issue will persist.

                  So eventually I would ban you.