thought that was funny, how sensative can you be to ban people for having a different opinion🤣

    8 months ago

    wow thats pretty crazy didnt know all that. i dont see how im a terrible person for it though. boredly jerking off emoji here

    • Kuori [she/her]
      8 months ago

      not knowing things doesn't make you a terrible person. however, if you choose to continue defending a blatantly hateful property in a franchise created by a bigot now that you know better, then yeah people would be justified in calling you a piece of shit

        8 months ago

        not defending anything. im saying i like a game. people shit on me for that? how about my mother? is she a piece of shit? cause she likes the game?

        • Kuori [she/her]
          8 months ago

          alright good talk, eat shit and die

          yes that means your mommy too, you absolute dweeb

                8 months ago

                me neither, which is why your comments dont affect me. but still, treat people better in the future. its quite sad being an internet bully

                have a good rest of the day Kuori! make good choices! 🥰

                • Kuori [she/her]
                  8 months ago

                  it's significantly sadder carrying water for anti-semites and transphobes. i will never stop telling pieces of shit like you to kys, because you deserve it

                  no amount of false friendliness can hide the fact that you're mad btw